SaaS or on-premises?
Which applications do you want included from the following choices.
- Identity Panel Framework and App (Operations, Reporting, Time Traveler, Scheduler, Source Control, Security, Health, MIM Development, Workflows)
- Service Panel App (Identity Portal)
- Access Panel App (Identity Portal – ABAC, RBAC, PAM, Group Management, Attestation)
- Test Panel App for MIM (Testing harness for MIM)
- HyperSync Engine App – A modern and fast sync engine to enhance or replace MIM Sync.
Which of the following providers do you need, and how many?
- FIM/MIM Sync (how many Sync Engines?)
- FIM/MIM Portal (how many farms?)
- ADConnect
- Active Directory (how many domains?)
- LDAP Server (how many servers excluding AD DS?)
- Is identity lifecycle, monitoring, and reporting required for Okta?
- SQL Server (how many servers?)
- Oracle DB (how many servers?)
- Informix (how many servers?)
- BD2 (how many servers?)
- Exchange
- Office 365
- Text Files
- ServiceNow
- Windows Server (how many servers need local groups scanned and maintained?)
Do you want Identity Panel setup for you with our initial configuration of reports, dashboards, and workflows.
Do you want a Service Panel Portal solution created for you?
Do you want the Identity Panel Windows Service totally maintained for you?
Do you want the connections to the target systems supported?
Do you need any training?
How many Panel Services do you need?
For this last question, we can usually recommend a number of Identity Panel Windows Services for your environment.
How many SaaS tenants do you needed, if any?
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